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The XOTBR-16 Chaingun (Titan Battle Rifle), also known simply as the XO-16 Chaingun, is a fully automatic 20mm chain gun that appears in Titanfall and later returns in Titanfall 2. This weapon is usable by Titans.
The XO-16 Chaingun is a fast firing, belt fed, fully automatic Titan weapon. Possessing a considerable rate of fire coupled with high precision and low recoil, very rarely will a Titan pilot miss its intended target. This versatility makes it an ideal weapon for mid to long range engagements, while at close range hailing an opponent with enough high calibre rounds will cause other Titan opponents slight vision-optics distortion, disorientation and confusion. A perfect two way weapon, effective against both Pilots and Titans, it is the go-to weapon for all Pilots of any level.
Field notes[]
Be unpredictable with this weapon, and make sure you get the first shot on an enemy titan with this.
Utilize this on open maps with clear lines of sight
low recoil
high rate of fire
high damage
burns through ammo quickly
poor burst damage
weak against titans which can sustain themselves for long periods of time
The XO-16 Chaingun is a fully automatic ballistic weapon that fires 1.6 inch slugs with high precision at considerable range.
— In-game description.
The XO16 Chaingun debuts in Titanfall as a fully automatic Titan weapon.
According to Ryan Lastimosa, Senior Artist at Respawn Entertainment, who designed many of the weapons, the XO-16, "is based on a lot of things. It’s based off of a 20mm anti-aircraft cannon with some inspiration from the CIWS". And, as a reference to Robotech, it has big "No Step" decals.
Originally the XOTBR-16 was designed to be converted into a field gun when not used by a Titan, but that feature was cut.
The XOTBR-16 bears a resemblance to the M60 Machine Gun used by the Avatars in James Cameron's Avatar.
Information about the weapon's ammunition is inconsistent. The drum magazine reads 30mm cartriges, but the spent cartridges say 20mm; this latter figure is backed by Ryan Lastimosa. The XO16A2 Chaingun in Titanfall 2 supports this 20mm round with its description. It is also described as firing 1.6 inch slugs, but this is also wrong. By estimating it's size compared to the 40mm Canon, it appears to fire ~35mm rounds. This coupled with the fact that a 20mm round would fail to damage as much armor as a Titan's makes it look like the most logical size.
The letters BMFG appears on the magazine of the weapon. This might be a reference to the BFG (Short for Big Fucking Gun) from the Doom series. BMFG likely stands for Big Mother Fucking Gun. It is likely a reference, however, to the company that manufactures the weapon; Brockhaurd Manufacturing.
An XOTBR-16 can be seen wielded by a Scorch in Titanfall 2's opening cutscene.
From rough estimates using the XO16A2's in game model, it apears to fire 40x300mm rounds.However, they are much shorter than the 40mm Tracker Cannon's rounds, are not explosive, and feature significantly less propellant, thus explaining the damage difference.
The XO16A2 has a tripod similar to the one cut from the original game. It is manufactured by Lawai.
The drum magazine of the XO16A2 is manufactured by Kodai Industries.
The XO16A2 has the internal nickname "Shorty". This is due to the fact that the weapon has had its barrel shortened since the first game for CQC. It has also been re-coloured to match the paint scheme of BT-7274.
The reticle and crosshairs of the XO16A2 is much different from those of the XOTBR-16; the XO16A2's crosshairs feature 4 bars, 2 vertical and 2 horizontal, similar to the crosshairs of the R101C Carbine in Titanfall. It lacks a reticle entirely. The XOTBR-16's crosshairs feature the same design as the crosshairs of the XO16A2, but also have curved lines connecting each bar, which form a circular figure when aiming down sights. There is also a reticle.
At the launch of the Monarch's Reign DLC, the multiplayer version of the XO16A2 had only 35 without the Arc Rounds upgrade installed, similarly to the XO16A2 in the campaign's Expedition loadout for BT-7274. With the Arc Rounds upgrade installed, it had 45 ammo. However, in a later update, the XO16A2 was given 40 ammo without Arc Rounds, and 50 with Arc Rounds installed. The XO16A2 in the campaign has not received the ammunition buff that the multiplayer version did, however.
The XO16A2 has much less ammunition than the XOTBR-16; the XO16A2 has 40 ammo in multiplayer (50 with Arc Rounds installed), while the XOTBR-16 has 60 ammo, though it has 90 with Extended Magazine, and 150 with Accelerator.