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Weapon attachments are parts of weapons in Apex Legends that can be attachable and detachable. These serve the purpose of making the weapon better for use. The seven types of weapon attachments are bolts, barrel mods, laser sights, optics, stocks, magazines, and hop-ups. The only types of weapons in the game that cannot equip these attachments are fully-kitted weapons or Supply Drop weapons, which come with set attachments, usually of the highest quality and cannot be changed or removed (barring Optics). Each attachment serves a different purpose that boosts a weapon's performance.

Barrel Stabilizers[]

Barrel Stabilizers decrease muzzle drift. Level 4 barrel stabilizers also hid muzzle flash until they were removed in season 8 with the introduction of the Level 4 Extended Magazine. Fully-kitted and Care-package weapons for a while still had flash hiders if they could equip a barrel mod, but this was removed as well as of Escape. Aesthetically, they resembled various models of Suppressors, though they didn't actually make the firing sounds quieter nor did they decrease damage/bullet velocity in any way. These are equipable on LMGs, R-301, Hemlok, Longbow, and G7 Scout.

Laser Sights[]

Laser sights allow for better hipfire accuracy. This attachment can be found on any SMG or pistol (barring the mozambique). The laser is not visible to enemies, and can be customized in settings to be a color suitable to the player.

Extended Magazines[]

Like in the Titanfall games, Apex Legends allows you to equip extended magazines on most weapons. Uniquely to Apex Legends, weapons start out with unusually small magazines compared to other Battle Royale games at the time of release, and especially compared to Titanfall; an example would be the stock R-99 with 20 rounds compared to 40, increasing to a mere 27 with the highest level Extended Magazine (vs 48 in the Titanfall games). Besides balancing reasons, this is to encourage the use of Extended Magazines and make them more of a necessity than an optional attachment. Because Extended Magazines are now their own category in Apex Legends, they are considered to be straight upgrades, forgoing the need to choose between them and other attachments as one would in Titanfall.

There are 4 magazine types: Heavy, Light, Energy, and Sniper, each corresponding to their respective weapon ammo types - the Volt, an Energy weapon, would take Extended Energy Mags, just as the R-301 (a Light Ammo weapon) takes in Extended Light Mags. All mag types have 4 tiers (referred to by the Legends as "Levels") - Common, Rare, Epic and Legendary. They are also often referred to by players as their respective glowing colors - White, Blue, Purple, and Gold. The first three tiers (Common, Rare, and Epic) increase the magazine size, with Common offering the lowest magazine increase and Epic offering the highest. Legendary tier, which does not offer a greater mag size than epic, adds the ability to auto-reload the weapon when holstered after a few seconds. Shotguns cannot equip magazines along with the Bow.

Shotgun Bolts[]

In Apex Legends, Shotgun Bolts increase rate of fire for all shotguns in game. Level 4 Bolts do not increase firerate, but allow players to continuously single reload while they are sliding.

Weapon Firerate increase (per Bolt Level)
Common Rare Epic Legendary
SA-3 Mozambique 15% 20% 25%
EVA-8 Shotgun 10% 20% 30%
Mastiff 10% 15% 20%
Peacekeeper 7.5% 13% 15%


Optics are weapon attachments that can be installed or uninstalled on top of your weapon. These attachments usually give a better sight of the enemy. However, certain weapons benefit from their stock sights (the Mastiff being one for newer players, as its stock sights aid in compensating for the horizontal spread). All Mythic Weapons (except for the Kraber which uses a unique 6x-10x scope that can neither be found on the ground nor taken off), Fully Kitted Weapons and Common weapons can use a variety of scopes depending on what weapon class they're in. If a weapon is a Handgun or Shotgun, the fully kitted version of that weapon will come with a 1x Digital Threat Scope. If a weapon is a Sniper Rifle, the fully kitted version of that weapon will come with a 10x Digital Sniper Threat Scope. If a weapon is a Marksman Weapon, it will come with a 2x-4x Variable AOG (other than the Bocek that uses a 3x HCOG 'Ranger'). If a weapon is an AR or LMG, it will come with a 2x HCOG 'Bruiser'.

Icon Name Features Weapons
AL 1x Holo 1x Reflex Holosight Close Range All Weapons
AL 1x HCOG Classic 1x HCOG 'Classic' Close Range All Weapons
AL 1x-2x Variable Holo 1x-2x Variable Reflex Holosight Close Range
2 Zoom Levels
All Weapons
AL 2x HCOG Bruiser 2x HCOG 'Bruiser' Close Range All Weapons
AL 6x Sniper 6x Sniper Scope Long Range Snipers Rifles Only
AL 2x-4x Variable AOG 2x-4x Variable AOG Close Range
2 Zoom Levels
Assault Rifles
Light Machine Guns
Marksman Rifles
Sniper Rifles
AL 3x HCOG Ranger 3x HCOG 'Ranger' Mid-range Assault Rifles
Light Machine Guns
Marksman Rifles
Sniper Rifles
AL 4x-8x Variable Sniper 4x-8x Variable Sniper Scope Mid-range
Long Range
2 Zoom Levels
Sniper Rifles Only
AL 1x Digital Threat 1x Digital Threat Close Range
Highlights Enemies
AL 4x-10x Digital Sniper Threat 4x-10x Digital Sniper Threat Mid-range
Long Range
2 Levels
Highlights Enemies
Sniper Rifles only


Stocks are attachments available to all weapons apart from the bow, shotguns, and pistols in Apex Legends. These attachments reduce the time it takes to switch between 2 weapons. This is especially helpful when you're in a fight and you run out of ammunition on one weapon, you can immediately switch to the other in less time. These also help in reducing aim drift, meaning that (especially longer range) fights can be easier to win. They also increase the reload speed.

Stock Type Weapons Weapon changes (per rarity tier)
Common Rare Epic
AL Standard Stock HUD

Standard Stock

Shotguns, LMGs, SMGs, and ARs 15% faster draw/holster speed

3% faster reload

15% less sway range

20% faster draw/holster speed

7% faster reload

25% less sway range

25% faster draw/holster speed

10% faster reload

45% less sway range

AL Sniper Stock HUD
Sniper Stock
Sniper Rifles and Marksman Rifles (excluding the Bocek Compound Bow)
10% faster draw/holster speed

3% faster reload

30% less sway range

15% faster draw/holster speed

7% faster reload

50% less sway range

20% faster draw/holster speed

10% faster reload

80% less sway range

Hop-Up Attachments [W.I.P][]

Hop-Up Attachments (shorthand: hop-ups) are specialized attachments available to certain weapons in Apex Legends. These provide some kind of major change to how a weapon operates, depending on the weapons and type of Hop-Up used. The Hop-Ups players can find in-game can vary depending on the season; some may return in a season at the same time that others are vaulted.

Current Hop-Up Rotation[]

Season Hop-Ups

List of Hop-Ups[]

Precision Choke[]

Icon Name
AL Precision Choke
Precision Choke
tightens the spread of weapons
Peacekeeper, Triple Take

  • Peacekeeper will keep it's charge for a second while the triple take will immediately lose it upon going back to hipfire.

Select-fire Receiver[]

Icon Name
AL Selectfire Receiver
Selectfire Receiver
grants an alternate firing mode on weapons
Prowler SMG, HAVOC

  • HAVOC unlocks a hitscan single fire mode that consumed 4 ammo per shot, Prowler unlocks an automatic fire mode.

Skullpiercer Rifling[]

Icon Name
AL Skullpiercer Rifling
Skullpiercer Rifling
Increased headshot damage
B3 Wingman (Integrated), Longbow, 30-30

  • 2.0 headshot multiplier for 30-30, 2.5 for Longbow, 1.9x for Wingman with zero headshot reduction from helmets


Icon Name
AL Turbocharger
Reduced spin-up time
HAVOC, Devotion

  • Removes charge-up time before firing the HAVOC
  • Increases initial RPM from 300 to 408 on Devotion, increases RPM Acceleration

Hammerpoint Rounds[]

Icon Name
AL Hammerpoint Rounds
Hammerpoint Rounds
Increased damage against unshielded targets
Mozambique, P2020, RE-45, EVA-8 (integrated)

  • 1.35x damage multiplier for Mozambique and RE-45, 1.5x for P2020,
  • 1.2x damage multiplier for EVA-8

Disruptor Rounds[]

Icon Name
AL Disruptor Rounds
Disruptor Rounds
Increased damage against shielded targets
Peacekeeper, Alternator

  • 1.2x damage multiplier for Alternator, 1.25x for Peacekeeper
  • 1.3x damage multiplier for RE-45 in Season 15, 1.6x for L-STAR in season 17

Double Tap Trigger[]

Icon Name
AL Double Tap Trigger
Double Tap Trigger
unlocks second firing option that lets player fire two shots quickly in a burst
G7 Scout, EVA-8

  • it takes .1 seconds for the Scout to complete a burst, .14 for the EVA.
  • Burst delay is .8 / .73 / .68 / .62 for the EVA
  • burst delay is .4s for Scout

Anvil Receiver[]

Icon Name
AL Anvil Receiver
Anvil Receiver
Increases damage in single-shot mode, consumes two ammo per shot
R-301, VK-47 Flatline

  • 2.4x damage multiplier for Flatline, 2.5x for R-301
  • 125 single firerate for Flatline, 210 for R-301

Quickdraw Holster[]

Icon Name
AL QuickDraw Holster
tightens hipfire spread, reduces ADS time, reduces draw/holster times
B3 Wingman, RE-45

  • Partially integrated into both weapons
  • ADS time reduced to ??? On RE-45 and Wingman
  • Draw/Holster times reduced to ???/??? on RE-45 and Wingman
  • Hipfire spread reduced to ???x on RE-45 and wingman

Shatter Caps[]

Icon Name
AL Shatter Caps
Shatter Caps
unlocks second firing mode that lets players fire weapon with spreadshot
Bocek, 30-30

  • Splits into 7 pellets for both weapons
  • The Bocek will default to this when hipfiring, but uses one arrow when ADSing
  • increases leg shot multiplier to 1x for both weapons, but reduces headshot multiplier to 1.25x
  • does 7 damage per pellet on the 30-30, 5/8/12 for the Bocek

Deadeye's Tempo[]

Icon Name
AL Deadeye's Tempo
Deadeye's Tempo
Firing at perfect moment increases firerate
Bocek, Sentinel ESR

  • Increases Sentinel's RoF by ~23%
  • Increases Bocek's RoF by ~41% (assuming now is fully drawn back)

Boosted Loader[]

Icon Name
AL Boosted Loader
Boosted Loader
Gives players a faster reload and extra ammo when a weapon's magazine is almost empty
Wingman, Hemlok

  • grants 33% faster reload for Wingman, 27% for Hemlok
  • Overloads magazine when there's 2 / 2 / 3 / 3 or less shots left in the Wingman, 5 / 7 / 8 / 9 for Hemlok
  • Always overloads magazine by 3 for Wingman at all mag levels, 6 for Hemlok

Dual Shell[]

Icon Name
AL Dual Shell
Dual Shell
reloads two ammunition at once
30-30, Mastiff

Kinetic Feeder[]

Icon Name
AL Kinetic Feeder
Kinetic Feeder
reloads weapon when played slides and reduces choke time
Peacekeeper, Triple Take

  • The reload-slide mechanism is now part of the Level 4 Shotgun bolt.


  • The Turbocharger has been the Hop-Up with the longest presence in the ground loot pool, having only been removed for Assimilation and Fortune's Favor.
  • The Extended Energy Magazine is modeled after the L-STAR's magazine, which had a reloading animation in Seasons 2 and 3.
  • The Extended Heavy Magazine is modeled after the Flatline's magazine.
  • The Extended Light Magazine is modeled after the R-301's magazine.
  • Revelry is the first season featuring a purely Legendary Hop-Up rotation.