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In Titanfall, weapon attachments modify your sights, and depending on what ranges you like to play at, different sights will suit you.

4.5x Zoom Scope[]

The 4.5x Zoom Scope is a weapon attachment that appears in Titanfall. When aiming, the area outside the scope will be black.


It consists of two green horizontal lines converging at a green dot in the center. This is a good mid-range to long range scope and may be easier to use for those who want a scope but not the massive zoom on the default (6x).

The scope also includes, when aiming, a hit indicator, highlighting where the pilot is going to hit the targeted enemy. This is handy in ensuring headshots on stationary targets. This scope provides mid-long range precision while allowing a "zoomed back" approach, making it easier to track and hit near targets.

6x Zoom Scope[]

The 6x Zoom Scope is a weapon attachment appearing in Titanfall. It is only available for the Longbow-DMR Sniper and the Kraber-AP Sniper, for both of which it is built in. It is a long range magnification scope that zooms in with 6x magnification. When aiming, the area outside the scope will be black.

The weapon attachment can be useful when shooting from extreme ranges. It is suggested that the player stay back from the fight, so they can use the attachment to full effect. However the high magnification makes it extremely difficult to effectively use at close ranges.


Commonly found on sniper rifles and battle rifles, as this is the lowest zoom available to sniper weapons. Using this, a sniper can still shoot accurately out to a good range but can defend himself or herself from close-in attackers during emergencies. This is the most scope-like of all the sights available to non-sniper weapons but unlike true scopes, the area outside the scope when aimed will not be blackened out.


The HCOG is available for most primary Pilot weapons. The sight consists of a red chevron surrounded by a clear frame, giving the user a less obstructed view than the default iron sights. It has a low zoom level.

Unlock Requirements
Weapon Challenge Requirement
R-101 Compact Carbine
The Expendables (II) Kill 25 Grunts
R-97 Compact Submachine Gun
The Expendables (III) Kill 50 Grunts
G2A4 Rifle
The Expendables (III) Kill 50 Grunts
Hemlok BF-R
The Expendables (III) Kill 50 Grunts
Combat Advanced Round Submachine Gun
The Expendables (III) Kill 50 Grunts
Spitfire Light Machine Gun
The Expendables (III) Kill 50 Grunts


The Holosight consists of two aiming circles that, when looked through together, create the holographic reticule. This is the preferred sight for many pilots due to its versatility, although it is slightly worst in close fights due to the higher zoom than the HCOG, and slightly worst at long range because the larger reticule and lower zoom can block out the target. The AOG is better in this role. The HCOG takes the place of the versatile middle ground, with all-round compatibility in nearly all situations.

Unlock Requirements
Weapon Challenge Requirement
R-101 Compact Carbine
The Expendables (III) Kill 50 Grunts
G2A4 Rifle
The Expendables (II) Kill 25 Grunts
Hemlok BF-R
The Expendables (II) Kill 25 Grunts
Spitfire Light Machine Gun
The Expendables (II) Kill 25 Grunts

Iron Sights[]

Iron sights

Iron Sights are a weapon attachment that appears in Titanfall. They are the basic sights for all primary and secondary weapons, with the exception of sniper rifles. Generally, they are made mostly of metal, with a hovering red dot in the front sight. They provide no magnification.

Most Iron Sights are rather bulky and may block the users view, limiting their effectiveness. Some Iron Sights, like those found on the G2A4 Rifle and the Smart Pistol Mk5, are not as difficult to aim with. As mentioned above, all sniper rifles have 6x Scopes equipped as default, and have no Iron Sights.

Iron Sights have largely been replaced in Titanfall 2 by the Iron Dot Sight. These updated Iron Sights combine traditional Iron sights with holographic displays to help user accuracy.
