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The subject of this article appears in Titanfall 2.

The Ark is the eighth mission of Titanfall 2's single-player campaign. The IMS Draconis escaped from the IMC airfield with the Ark on board and headed straight for the Fold Weapon, so the 9th Militia Fleet - with support from Barker and the 6-4 - give aerial chase in the skies of Typhon. Jack Cooper and BT-7274 must survive harrassment by the Draconis's escorts and a showdown with the high-flying Apex Predator Viper in their daring effort to board the Draconis and recover the Ark.


Frontier Militia[]

Apex Predators[]


Ship to Ship[]

TF2 TheArk Loadscreen 2

The mission starts with Jack Cooper and BT-7274 riding inside a Widow dropship, escorted by the MCS Carter Braxton, The 6-4, Blackbird Squadron and Sarah Briggs in her own Widow. As the fleet catches up on one of the escort ships, IMS Thermopylae, the squadron is ambushed by the Northstar Titan piloted by Viper. A rocket barrage knocks Jack out of his ship, and onto the back of a dropship piloted by Barker. BT also lands on the dropship, asking Jack to perform a "Fastball" - a maneuvre in which BT throws Jack a considerable distance.

Jack then lands on the Crow piloted by the 6-4, before using the gap to jump into the battleship IMS Malta. From here, Jack makes his way through the ship, fighting Grunts and Stalkers until he makes his way to a battery of Medium Turrets. However, he is too late to stop them from shooting down the MCS Carter Braxton.

How the 6-4 Does It[]

After disabling the guns, the 6-4 then joins Cooper on the ship, ready to take the bridge. However, a problem arises; there is no direct access between the gunnery bay and the hangar; to compensate, Sarah uses her Widow as a platform for the Pilots to wallrun on, allowing them to jump into the main hangar bay of the Malta.

After taking out a company of infantry, the group make their way to the bridge, breaching and efficiently cutting down its crew. With unrestricted access to the controls, Jack Cooper uses his Data Knife to deactivate the ship's complement of Heavy Turrets. With this completed, Barker can finally finish “babysitting” BT, dropping him onto the ship, ready to fastball Cooper onto the transport ship IMS Draconis.

Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide[]

TF2 TheArk Loadscreen 3

Before this can be completed, however, the two are once again ambushed by Viper. During the fight, Viper will deploy two Scorch Titans to assist him. However, numerous batteries are situated on the hull of the ship, allowing for health regeneration.

After Viper's defeat, BT and Jack will once again attempt a throw onto the Draconis, but Viper, managing to regain control of his Titan, will fly directly into the duo, attempting to throw them off the Malta. After a brief melee in the air, the three land on the hull of the Draconis. As Viper fires off a shot of his Plasma Railgun, BT lunges for him, putting the two in a desperate fight, with Viper's cockpit having been ripped off. The fight is finished after Jack shoots Viper, his Titan firing off a salvo of missiles in its death throes.


Having defeated Viper, the two can now make their way into the ship itself. Unfortunately, the damage sustained in the fight is severe, BT having lost an arm and the Draconis itself going down from Viper’s dying act of a vain Flight Core. With only minutes before surface impact, the two run past the IMC Marines attempting to evacuate via lifeboat and straight into the room storing the Ark. BT places the Ark inside his cockpit, before shielding Jack from the impact.

The two are then captured by Kuben Blisk, and taken to a facility near the Fold Weapon for interrogation.

Viper Boss Battle Tips[]


Pilot Helmets[]

There are 3 Pilot Helmets to be collected on this level.


  • Cooper’s Spitfire has a Holosight optic on it, a combination that is impossible to achieve in Titanfall 2’s multiplayer.
  • Each member of the 6-4 has varying lines depending on Cooper’s actions while controlling the Malta. If one waits long enough, Bear will eventually command them to “shut up and let him [control the ship]”, and from that point on the dialogue will stop.
  • The breaching charges thrown onto the window prior to the “breach” are micro Tether Traps.
  • The Double Take on this level has a Variable Zoom option on it, which simply zooms in the stock Irondot Sights despite not actually having a scope.
  • Despite being able to lock onto the enemy Goblins at the beginning, the Archer’s rockets will rarely actually hit them, as they travel too slow before the Militia fighters shoot them down.
  • With grenade boosting and some timing, one can reach the 6-4’s ship from Barker’s own before BT has a chance to throw Cooper.
  • There is no consequence for delaying to jump from the 6-4’s Crow onto the Malta. The Dropship will repeatedly steer close and back off, and eventually the pilot’s dialogue will repeat indefinitely.
  • It is possible to Rodeo Viper’s Northstar, although it is extremely difficult on higher difficulties and ill-advised as one would have to wait for Viper to come close to the ground, disembark, cloak and slide hop towards Viper.
  • When Jack Cooper not shoot Northstar in time, Viper eventually kill BT by dispatch BT's Acolyte Pod.

