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The subject of this article appears in Titanfall 2.

Ricochet Rounds is a Ronin Titan Kit in Titanfall 2. It allows the Leadwall's rounds to bounce off of a surface once. It also has a hidden downside: the reflected bullets travel 50% slower than normal.


Ricochet Rounds can be effective, but is usually considered redundant. The strength of Ricochet Rounds is that it makes killing enemy pilots significantly easier, and even allows a Ronin to kill enemy players that are behind cover. However, the issue with this is that Ronin is already the best Titan in the game for killing pilots close to him, so with good enough aim, this kit is not necessary. Ricochet Rounds is practically useless against enemy titans, which is why it is almost never used.

It can be used to kill players who are rodeo-ing Ronin, though this is very difficult, requires very precise timing, and is much harder/less consistent then using an Electric Smoke or Phase Dash.
