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The Outlands Civil War is the collective term for conflicts waged between the planets of The Outlands.


Before the war all planets of The Outlands were under Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation law and shared resources according to them. Some examples would be where Solace properties were on Gaea and people on Psamathe owned land on Talos.

In 2715 the IMC began leaving the Outlands possibly to reinforce the planets that were involved in the Frontier War, an unintended consequence of this was that the now independent planets of The Outlands had no greater military to keep them in order and they began to compete with one another for resources. Solace was the last planet the IMC left.

The War[]

Not much is known about the war however we know it started shortly before the IMC left Solace and went full scale after the IMC abandoned the Outlands causing each planet, territory, and town to fight over who controlled everything from fuel outposts to farming land.

The locals of their planets took up arms and enlisted in their planet's militaries, most of the militaries used the weapons and gear that were left by the IMC. These militaries were more like militias than full fledged armies, however some trained IMC personnel that were left following the abandonment of the Outlands participated in the war and likely served as higher ranking officials due to their combat training and combat experience.

Conclusion and Aftermath[]

In 2723 the war officially ended with the rise of The Syndicate, with the promise of unity, protection, and prosperity many planets of the Outlands signed the Mercenary Syndicate Treaty which created Syndicate Space.

The few planets that refused to sign the treaty became known as The Fringe Worlds, trade and communication with these planets are discouraged by the Syndicate.
