Titanfall Wiki
Titanfall Wiki
Titanfall Wiki
Official wiki
The subject of this article appears in Titanfall 2.

Enhanced Payload is a Northstar Titan Kit in Titanfall 2. It allows Cluster Missile's secondary explosions to hit a larger range and last longer. It is unlocked at Northstar level 6.


Surprisingly, Enhanced Payload is the worst Titan kit in the entire game, for two main reasons. Primarily, the ability is bugged, leading to it spawning about 10% less sub-explosions on average than it should. (the reason "on average" is used is because of the aforementioned bug, which randomly causes the ability to fire less missiles. anywhere from 25-31, with an average of 28) Secondly, even though the spawning radius of the rockets are increased, the size of the explosions isn't increased. That means that the ability effectively makes less rockets hit the target you were aiming for, even against Pilots. On average, selecting this ability will lead to Cluster Missile's dealing about 20% less damage per second, and should thus never be chosen.
