Chevrex is a company operating in the Outlands. It is owned and operated by the Che family, led by its CEO Darion Che, father of the Apex Legend Ajay Che.
A subsidiary of Angelia-based AI Logic, Chevrex specializes in drone manufacturing.
Its parent company AI Logic was originally founded in 2445 in the Harbor District of Angel City on the planet Angelia and was one of the first companies in the Frontier. AI Logic originally focused solely on repairing electronics, but through its history it has developed specialized drone technology and has expanded to other planets on the Frontier. They were also an avid supporter of the exploration to the Outlands.
It is unknown how Chevrex was spun off from AI Logic, with the earliest mentions of it existence being in 2658 when it provided funds for Project Iris' research into Branthium as an energy source. The results of the research greatly benefited Chevrex and it has since solidified itself as one of the most powerful companies in Psamathe, if not the Outlands.
Like The IMC Chevrex hires soldiers to protect and work for them and any other party they are affiliated with such as Silva Pharmaceuticals which had many Chevrex soldiers and drones on its factory for protection and security. Cherisse Che and Duardo Silva followed their children who had stolen from Silva Pharmaceuticals for the Frontier Corps, when Cherisse's daughter Ajay had given herself up Cherisse immediately told a Military Captain to go ahead insinuating the murder of the Frontier Corps patients which held children saying "Consider this a lesson in the family business. We do whatever it takes." before the order could be carried out Octavio Silva, son of Duardo Silva began to livestream the event causing the soldiers and drones to stand down. After the altercation, both Chevrex and Silva Pharmaceuticals came under investigation due to the events millions saw.
During the negotiations surrounding the entry of the planet Salvo into Syndicate Space, Cherisse Che, wife of CEO Darion Che, was instrumental in its success.