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The subject of this article appears in Apex Legends.

The Bocek Compound Bow is a compound bow/Marksman Weapon introduced in the ninth season of Apex Legends


Not much is known about the history of the Bocek Bow. All that is known about it is that it was the first bow to be introduced into the Apex Games

All that is mentioned related to the weapon is that after Jackson Williams goes AWOL, Bangalore mentions how they had an argument over who could hit the most bulls-eyes in a row with a bow.

Design and performance[]

Compound bows have two cam-pulley systems on each limb that provides greater draw distance and allows stiffer limbs to be used. Using stiffer limbs decreases flexing which in turn results in less energy being lost through the limbs, improved stability and reduced recoil. This allows compound bows to shoot much further, with more stopping power and greater accuracy.

The Bocek comes equipped with an automatic arrow feeder that slots in the next arrow after each operation, which greatly increases the rate of fire. It shoots arrows that charges up while drawing making each shot deal more damage and shoot further. A fully drawn arrow is charged to deal the maximum possible damage.

Field notes[]

  • Avoid aiming down sights when using this in close-quarters combat as your chances of hitting a target are reduced.
  • Much like other weapons with a charge up time, if you want to confuse enemies, fire a shot, take cover, fully draw back the bow, and then peek again to fire.
  • In your HUD, there is a gray area that will turn light blue after you fire a shot. For all of the time that it's blue, it means you can fire a shot and then get a faster pullback after that one. Use this to follow your shots up quickly.


  • Arrows have a very high projectile speed, making it easy to track targets at range
  • Very versatile from close-mid range
    • Viable up close due to using Shatter Caps
    • Viable at further mid range due to having a 3x HCOG Bruiser built in
  • Rewarding for players who follow up their (fully drawn back) shots quickly due to having Deadeye's Tempo built in.
  • With no magazine, players don't have the struggle of reloading the weapon mid-fight
  • Faster strafe speed while ADS compared to other Marksman Weapons


  • Limited amount of arrows due to being a Care Package Weapon
  • Hard to find due to being a Care Package Weapon

Apex Legends[]

The first compound bows to reach the Frontier (all emblazoned with the brand name “Bocek” in shades of neon) were meant for sport and leisure activity. However, many parts of the Frontier proved to be inhospitable, and in lean months, these pieces of sports equipment were found to be a silent and inexpensive means of securing wild game. The latest models have been designed for durability, precision and power, and while the bow does not see regular use in combat where firearms are favored, it remains deadly in the hands of a skilled archer.
— In-game description.

The Bocek Compound Bow debuts in Apex Legends as a weapon of the Marksman class. It is a Supply Drop Weapon alongside the Kraber, Mastiff and Rampage, meaning that it can only be found in Care Packages that occur throughout the game, and cannot be found on the ground. It comes with a limited amount of ammunition like other weapons in a Care Package and once a player uses up all of the arrows in the Bocek, the player must discard the weapon as its ammo cannot be refilled.

Weapon attachments[]

As of Hunted, the Bocek comes built in with the following attachments as well as a 3x scope.

Image Name Description
AL 1x Holo AL 1x HCOG Classic AL 1x-2x Variable Holo AL 2x HCOG Bruiser AL 3x HCOG Ranger Close to mid range optics Allows better focus on target while ADS, allows weapon to aim further down sights (3x built in, can be swapped for other marksman optics barring a 2x-4x AOG)
AL Shatter Caps Shatter Caps Rounds split into a blast pattern on firing.
AL Deadeye's Tempo Deadeye's Tempo Firing at the perfect moment increases fire rate.

Weapon skins[]

Main article: Bocek Compound Bow/Customization

Update history[]

August 09, 2022 Patch
  • Is now a Supply Drop Weapon.
  • Can no longer be purchased in Arenas.
  • Comes pre-equipped with 80 backup ammo, a 3x HCOG "Ranger" optic, Deadeye's Tempo, and Shatter Caps.
  • Increased full charge damage from 60 to 70.
  • Increased Deadeye's Tempo draw speed from 0.32 to 0.38.
  • Increased Shatter Caps full charge pellet damage from 11 to 12.
June 21, 2022 Patch
  • Fully kitted Bocek Compound Bow now has the 3x HCOG "Ranger" optic instead of the 1x-2x Variable Holo.
February 08, 2022 Patch

Shatter Caps:

  • Reduced damage from 6/9/12 to 5/8/11.
September 14, 2021 Patch
  • Slightly increased draw speed from 0.56 to 0.54 seconds.

Shatter Caps:

  • Increased damage from 4/7/11 to 6/9/12.
August 03, 2021 Patch


  • Reduced purchase cost from 600 to 500.
May 24, 2021 Patch


  • Level 2 upgrade now unlocks Shatter Caps instead of Deadeye's Tempo.
  • Level 3 upgrade now unlocks Deadeye's Tempo instead of Shatter Caps.
May 11, 2021 Patch
  • Reduced full charge damage from 70 to 60.
  • Increased charge-up time from 0.54 seconds to 0.56 seconds.
  • Increased charge-up time with Deadeye's Tempo from 0.32 to 0.38 seconds.
May 04, 2021 Patch
  • Introduced.
  • Added to the loot table of Fully kitted weapons for Season 9.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Designing/rendering of the Bocek involved Kevin O'Neal. [1]





  • The bocek is the only weapon with two unique inspect animations, with each occurring depending on whether or not the weapon has arrows
  • Before its removal from floor loot, players could pick up fired arrows (unless they were in Shatter Caps mode).

