I've looked all over the internet trying to find out how much damage the splitter rifle does but nothing is giving me a strait answer so can someone please tell me?
I've looked all over the internet trying to find out how much damage the splitter rifle does but nothing is giving me a strait answer so can someone please tell me?
If you look down and crouch with thermal shield, vortex shield, and maybe gun shield you can block firewall and arc wave
I just don't like the slow projectile speed and the fact that NOT hitting a titan deals more damage than hitting a titan, I have the same feelings towards the cold war
@TheRealTuskAct4Fan this post is kinda old and I have learned, but thanks anyways, also can you crouch to protect your feet while using gun shield?
@TheRealTuskAct4Fan Re-45=good thunderbolt=eeh...
I did this, they got a titan kill, multiple pilot kills, and saved my life/avenged me multiple times
Uckf the volt, but the r97 is a bit to inacuuate for me
Does anyone know what the access id and password is the the Hammond robotics website
vroom vroom
Coopers final smash could him dropping bt on a spot and then nuke ejecting
Am I the only one who wants an ogre class titan with a giant revolver? hipfire is single action and ads its double action
Use backup battery to give them even more health and then just pocket them for the rest of the game
Fun times :)
And no I don't care that this post is 6 years old
@titanfallregenerated he'd better not