HOT TAKE: EVA-8 is a good weapon, it's just that you gotta get close enough in order to make it work
This is the TITANFALL wiki not some advertisement center for a good community ruined to the brink of destruction
Zealot class Titan?
Tone is ABSOLUTELY BROKEN as a titan, it's a very effective support and offense which makes usually the entire community hate on her (for a good reason, she's utterly broken.) her weapon is scarily accurate, and the missiles are very spammable which makes for an excellent damage output with minimal drawbacks, the shield can also counter a majority of titans (scorch can probably set anything behind it on fire with thermite residue but that's not the point) and anyone trying to get close is mostly guaranteed to get heavily punished if they wish to rush a tone with the particle shield on (legions mostly due to their garbage shield with short duration and horrid speed)
@HMSBomber1 yes you can, in fact you can hit the feet of every titan when they use any shield-based defense ability, like vortex shield or heat shield
I suggest using Legion as fire support for other frontliners instead of a head on main aggressive Titan, Legion is slow, I mean SLOW as fuck so he won't be able to get into cover most of the time without being absolutely punished by the opposing so let your teammates tank a majority of the damage for you so you can maximize your damage potential and probably hit the enemy like a truck.
I also suggest using Hidden Compartment and Turbo Engine for the kits, mostly Turbo Engine because Legion's main issue is being slow and unable to use any defensive moves to get enemies away from his face.
Sometimes 140, 40x90mm cartridges isnt enough to kill
Viper meatriders go wild
Oh hey, I'm also a Viper meatrider
Anyone ever used scorch to kill viper?
Thunderbolt regardless is still pretty solid, quite feasible in fact
My fav is curb check
How? I mean you can't kill Viper in his 2nd phase without a gun, melee's never reach him. Ronin's gun can't hit him. Viper never touches down. That is basically impossible unless if you count that mission out.
The Spartans aren't as replaceable or expendable as Pilots, but they can hijack vehicles and destroy them from the outside. Remember that. If Spartans can easily tank super-hot plasma (plasma pistol) then I'm sure they can also take E smoke.
I'm sorry Half Life fans, but BT only has to pin down that bitch, and do a Richter execution on him
Anyways I use
Alternator with HCOG regular, Speedloader, Tactikill and pro screen (NO SKIN)
RE-45 with Speedloader and Gun runner with pro screen (ALSO NO SKIN)
Thunderbolt with faster aim and Speedloader (THE WHITEST SKIN I HAD)
Phase Shift with Warship Collage
Satchel Charges
Low Profile
Phase Embark
Randomized Executions
I main Legion
Hidden Compartment
Dome Shield
Apex Peral
I AM LEGION nose paint
Turbo Thrusters
Predator and Prey execution
NOT A PRIME TITAN (prime legion literally has a diaper)
Annoying cannon fodder halo grunt scams
I honestly use warpfall just to crush everything on sight but i still suggest using dome shield