I swear, if all those teases (theories, and dates for Titanfall, TF2, and Apex etc) were all just for the lead up for the new season of Apex, Imma be pissed! 😂
I wish 😭
The only thing, I don't trust the current Respawn team to deliver a good game.
All the people who made The Titanfall games good have left Respawn.
Apex has been shitting the bed lately, and the devs just aren't transparent about the game anymore. Feels like their creativity has run its course.
That sounds great! Make sure you share that! I'd love to see that when it's done!
Who knows, maybe it can spark some more interest in the franchise!
Good luck!
Good question.
Yea I don't recall in the campaign them mentioning it. They only show up for one mission that doesn't require titans.
But they are Pilots so we should assume they have them right? That's what Pilots are ultimately trained for.
I know we aren't getting a Titanfall 3, but this is why I'd like a sequel so we can further expand the Universe and Lore including the 6-4.
Well yea. Not a lot of players anymore.
It also depends on what time you play, what system you play, the game modes, and the region.
Also P.C has more players than consoles.
I play on Xbox and there is usually 1200-2400 people playing on NA servers when I do hop on. I don't have troubles finding matches. I also play around 9pm - 2am.
Definitely Ronin and Scorch. Both can be ridiculous to go up against if the right player uses them.
Wait for later today or even tomorrow. Should pick up a bit when people are done work for the week 😅
They are too busy with Helldivers probably 😢
What System is that on?
I play on Xbox and there is a consistent 2060 players everytime I'm playing. I usually have no issues with finding matches.
I'm glad there is still quite a few people playing and keeping it going!
I'm not good with it but the Grenade Launcher is definitely fun to use!
I'm a tone main and honestly it's underrated
Map Hack and Titan Sentry 👌🏻
Don't get me wrong I love Pilots. They are badass but they weren't bred for War Super Soldiers with Shields like Spartans are lol!
Pilots are basically ODST but better equipped.
Exactly! I really hope so! 🤞🏻
I know but still, why try and hype up just another season of Apex with cryptic teases like that? I realize it's probably not happening, but f*** them for doing that, and for another lame season of Apex no less.
I swear, if all those teases (theories, and dates for Titanfall, TF2, and Apex etc) were all just for the lead up for the new season of Apex, Imma be pissed! 😂
I like the idea! Really hope Titanfall 3 is made so stuff like this could possibly happen.
Damn sorry I'm on Xbox Series X 😅 I know it's not cross play unfortunately 😢. I'm actually about to nplay it now lol!
Oh hell yes! Thank you for the update!! 🤘🏻
For consoles too?!