Do they have Titans I don't remember them ever mentioning that they have their own Titans unless I completely missed it?
Do they have Titans I don't remember them ever mentioning that they have their own Titans unless I completely missed it?
Does anyone know where they are? And can they please tell me
What if i post chatgpt logs to here about stories of IMC lol, ill copy paste lol, im hella bored at exactly 2:57:49 PM
So i have a few questions(its only two)
Do you unlock every single titan immediately in multiplayer, or do you need to unlock them with levels or something
Why was the game even $3.99
Seer - Showstopping Battlefield
Ballistic - But A Scratch
Mirage - Crushed It
Newcastle - Unfortunate Aftermath
Lifeline - Robot Resupply
Wattson - Grounded Energy
Horizon - Gravity Vortex
146 Votes in Poll
Here're my ideas. All Titans should have thrusters to fly in the sky and space. All Pilots should have the oxygen mask function for the aerial warfare, and the spacesuits for the space warfare. So what is your idea?
Hey have yall guys seeing the Germany GameStop's have Titanfall 3 preorders. what do you guys think of this? Oh and ea are thinking of selling respawn or apex from what i have heard
I am a Ronin main at heart, to the point that about 70% of my total titan playtime is solely Ronin. Today, I wanted to refresh myself on exactly how his abilities worked, so I went to the wiki. However, I was then reminded by just how barren the wiki is on information besides the very basics. Almost none of the pages included concrete numbers, and they were pretty useless for learning about different strategies. I also saw a user named Emek500 asking about how to play Ronin about 2 weeks ago. These two things convinced me to spend a while dramatically overhauling most of Ronin's wiki pages. I hope you all find them useful!
I have a playstyle that I help the team but can fight better by myself.
So, I was looking for a new game to play since I recently just finished the Crysis trilogy using the Xbox game pass ultimate for PC, and found a game called Titanfall and Titanfall 2, so I downloaded the games and decided to start at the beginning. As I was doing the training/tutorial I was stoked to start playing the real game. However, after the training I was taken to the menu and asked to pick what mode to play in, but everything I picked was dependent on other people playing and literally after waiting for close to an hour not a single person was playing and so I couldn't play the game. So, pretty pissed off I decided to checkout the second one and that's the one I love. Now, I want to know does anyone else play the first one anymore or is the game literally dead and only can be played with other people. I couldn't find a version that allowed me to play a solo game so if anyone knows what to do please help me.
Thank you,,
Legacy. The Titanfall and Apex Legends fans. Both will love this. They announced their new legend and her name is Valkyrie. This season comes out 10 days before the Cold Blooded Caustic skin is gone, which means the cold blooded caustic skin is forever gone. This season comes out 10 days before that happens on May 4, 2021.
I had an idea for a few new titans, one for every chassis (including vanguard)
So, here goes it
Stryder: phantom class titan
Offensive: holo-burst. Fire a small projectile that blinds an enemy Titan briefly on hit.
Tactical: holo-titan. Send out a holographic Titan that you can take control over and make mimic your actions. Disappears upon taking damage.
Defensive: unseen. Become invisible to all enemy titans and hard to see to enemy pilots for 9 seconds. Stops when you shoot your weapon.
Core: psych core. Send out several holo-titans that blur enemy Titan visuals when shot.
Weapon: TC-7 heavy burster. A weapon that fires in 5 round bursts, deals high damage at close range. 35 round mag.
Atlas: Thunder class titan
Offensive: Ky-micronuclear mortar: fire an arcing projectile with high anti-pilot damage and large blast radius.
Tactical: adaptable gun shield: targets a friendly Titan and grants them a legion-esque gunshield for 7 seconds.
Defensive: A-wall deployer. Drops a Titan-size a-wall in front of you.
Core: amp core. Place down a heavy amp that provides amped weapons to all allies (including titans) in it’s radius for 30 seconds.
Weapon: Slugger cannon. Mid range, high accuracy, mid damage weapon that has high recoil. 7 round mag.
Ogre: Quantum class titan
Offensive: d-cannon. Fires a larger version of the gravity star, capable of dragging in and damaging titans.
Tactical: Rift generator: make a black hole directly on top of your Titan, redirecting both enemy and friendly projectiles.
Defensive: grav-wave. Launch away all enemy pilots, titans, and projectiles.
Core: warp-core. Your Titan starts levitating as it messes with gravity around it, making allies and enemies have farther jump patterns and curving enemy projectiles.
Weapon: Plas-8 beam caster. Effectively a larger version of the apex legends charge rifle.
Vanguard: Synth class titan
Offensive: frag-burst. Detonate a large aoe explosion in front of you
Tactical: copycat nanites: launch a projectile that deals no damage, but on a hit replaces all your abilities with one-use versions of an enemy titan’s.
Defensive: directional shield. Make a shield in front of you that lasts 9 seconds, and stays in the direction you used it on even when you turn.
Core: echo core. Gain the weapons and ability of the nearest Titan, enemy or otherwise, for 45 seconds.
Weapon: vrt scattershot. A shotgun with a very tight spread and can fire fully automatic, 11 round mag.
Hope you enjoy, C&C appreciated.
Class: Atlas
Weapon: A61 "Zeus" Alternating Energy Rifle
An 18 millimeter, twin-barreled rifle that uses electromagnetic propulsion to fire charged projectiles from a 50-round rotary magazine.
Damage: 29/round
Fire Rate: 10 rounds/sec
Defensive Ability: Arc Wall
A deployable wall that vaporizes projectiles and deals damage to pilots.
Duration: 7 sec
Cooldown: 20 sec
Damage: 25/sec
Tactical Ability: Siphon Ticks
Vibrant deploys a pair of specialized ticks from his back, which attach to titans and Reapers, slowly draining their health and reducing visibility. Removable by weapon and melee damage, and electric smoke. (One per enemy)
Duration: 8 sec
Cooldown: 35 sec
Health Drain: 165/sec
Ordnance: Thundercloud
An advanced, ranged Electric smoke capsule fired by a shoulder-mounted projectile launcher. (One round).
Duration: 6 sec
Cooldown: 12 sec
Radius: 5ft
Damage: 75/sec
Core: Charge Core
Vibrant releases a large EMP blast, stunning enemies, as well as temporarily disabling enemy titan targeting systems and abilities, including electric smoke.
Core also boosts the damage of the A61 Alternating Energy Rifle.
Duration (EMP Blast): 10 sec
Damage: 2250 (Initial blast) 150/sec (Disruption)
Duration (A61 Supercharging): 18 sec
Damage Boost: +14/round
Vibrant Kits:
Overclocked: Vibrants A61 Rifle fires 50% faster, but accuracy is reduced.
Stormcaller: Thundercloud has two charges and regenerates 15% faster.
Advanced Siphoning: Siphon Ticks do 35 more damage per second and reduce the core meter of the titan its attached to.
Core Reduction: 3%/sec
Surge Rounds: A61 rounds reduce titan speed when they hit weak points.
Conductive Transfer: Damage done to Vibrant's shield temporarily reduces his Defensive Ability's cooldown.
Execution: Shock and Awe
Vibrant removes a battery from the titan, releases an electric shock into it, turning it unstable. He then replaces it, and turns away from the titan. The battery then erupts into an orb of energy, destroying the titan, with Vibrant towering over its body.