Superfiale·6/15/2022in GeneralOpinions on scorchI love scorchI have neutral opinions on scorchI fckin hate scorch Vote97 Votes in PollScorch
Analepsy·7/11/2021in GeneralWhich titan has the best exucutions with counting Default/Prime?IonSorchNorthstarRoninToneLegionVote71 Votes in PollRoninIonScorchNorthstarToneLegion
Bovajan·1/8/2021in General"Touchdown" termination for ScorchScorch charges at the enemy titan and tackles them to the ground. Scorch then opens the enemy titan's cockpit, drops in a gas canister and ignites it. Finally Scorch slams the cockpit shut.ScorchTermination
Ninjaio 229·1/9/2020in Titanfall 2Tone vs ScorchScorchTonethe time endVote102 Votes in PollScorchTone
DragonMaster0402·6/24/2019in GeneralFavorite titan (tf2)What is everyone’s favorite titan? Mine is Ronin or ScorchTitanRoninScorch