Am I the only one who wants an ogre class titan with a giant revolver? hipfire is single action and ads its double action
Am I the only one who wants an ogre class titan with a giant revolver? hipfire is single action and ads its double action
98 Votes in Poll
I had an idea for a few new titans, one for every chassis (including vanguard)
So, here goes it
Stryder: phantom class titan
Offensive: holo-burst. Fire a small projectile that blinds an enemy Titan briefly on hit.
Tactical: holo-titan. Send out a holographic Titan that you can take control over and make mimic your actions. Disappears upon taking damage.
Defensive: unseen. Become invisible to all enemy titans and hard to see to enemy pilots for 9 seconds. Stops when you shoot your weapon.
Core: psych core. Send out several holo-titans that blur enemy Titan visuals when shot.
Weapon: TC-7 heavy burster. A weapon that fires in 5 round bursts, deals high damage at close range. 35 round mag.
Atlas: Thunder class titan
Offensive: Ky-micronuclear mortar: fire an arcing projectile with high anti-pilot damage and large blast radius.
Tactical: adaptable gun shield: targets a friendly Titan and grants them a legion-esque gunshield for 7 seconds.
Defensive: A-wall deployer. Drops a Titan-size a-wall in front of you.
Core: amp core. Place down a heavy amp that provides amped weapons to all allies (including titans) in it’s radius for 30 seconds.
Weapon: Slugger cannon. Mid range, high accuracy, mid damage weapon that has high recoil. 7 round mag.
Ogre: Quantum class titan
Offensive: d-cannon. Fires a larger version of the gravity star, capable of dragging in and damaging titans.
Tactical: Rift generator: make a black hole directly on top of your Titan, redirecting both enemy and friendly projectiles.
Defensive: grav-wave. Launch away all enemy pilots, titans, and projectiles.
Core: warp-core. Your Titan starts levitating as it messes with gravity around it, making allies and enemies have farther jump patterns and curving enemy projectiles.
Weapon: Plas-8 beam caster. Effectively a larger version of the apex legends charge rifle.
Vanguard: Synth class titan
Offensive: frag-burst. Detonate a large aoe explosion in front of you
Tactical: copycat nanites: launch a projectile that deals no damage, but on a hit replaces all your abilities with one-use versions of an enemy titan’s.
Defensive: directional shield. Make a shield in front of you that lasts 9 seconds, and stays in the direction you used it on even when you turn.
Core: echo core. Gain the weapons and ability of the nearest Titan, enemy or otherwise, for 45 seconds.
Weapon: vrt scattershot. A shotgun with a very tight spread and can fire fully automatic, 11 round mag.
Hope you enjoy, C&C appreciated.
Hello. I am a moderator and user at VS Battles Wiki.
I was wondering if I could have permission to copy and use text from some of your Titan profiles as I am making and editing articles for them, and I want get permission due to a recent situation over there. If we could obtain persmission to use and modify information based for apage summaries I'd appreciate it!